Robots won’t kill us, but they will take our jobs.
A year and a bit ago, I built a website for the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA). ACOLA is a government think-tank based in Melbourne. They are dedicated to producing scientific reports and statistical analyses that affect the Australian way of life.
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Clik here to view.Last week ACOLA released a much anticipated report entitled “The effective and ethical development of artificial intelligence: An opportunity to improve our wellbeing” (you can download the ACOLA A.I. report on this page). The government wanted to know how looming A.I. could affect the jobs market.
I’m still reading the (250 page) report. There’s a lot in it.
As a Gen-X “Infomediary” (read on) I’m having some trouble with it. The report suggests that Australia is set to lose 3-4 million jobs. But that may be a case of not seeing the wood for the tress. My personal opinion is that it would be better for the world if ALL humans lost their jobs (maybe they’d have time to think).
Investing in A.I.
Anyway, on behalf of my clients, I’ve decided to invest the very last of my hard-earned into a bit of artificial intelligence for websites. I’ve now logged my V.I.P. website clients into an A.I. assistant which can handle, read and assess huge amounts of data.
Running a website can be a bit onerous. You really need to keep adding to it on a continuous basis – just to get anywhere. After running an ecommerce store for only three months, you will generate so much data, it’s hard to comprehend what’s going on and where to invest your time.
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Clik here to view.All this data goes flying by and you hardly have time to make sense of it. In most cases nothing is done with it.
- In-bound Traffic
- Email Marketing Campaigns
- Special Offers and
- Google PPC Advertising
Google Analytics gives you a great overview, but it doesn’t tell you what to do next.
AI makes everything simpler
The A.I. told me to write this article for my Google Business account. But I’ll also add it to my website.
In broad terms, it gives me one sentence a day. I can ignore it or do the task.
“Edwin. You need to do on-page SEO for your prices page.”
“Edwin, you need to make an offer to your readers.”
I can only do one thing at a time. But I can do one thing a day for each of my clients.
Artificial Intelligence Infomediary
Late last millenium, I read a book called “Net Worth: Shaping Markets When Customers Make the Rules’ (Hegel, Jan 1999). I had a Eureka moment. I am an “infomediary.” My job is to make sense of the data and pass that information to others (Infomediary:
So this concludes my soft-sell. If you need a webmaster who has an artificial friend, try one of our website maintenance plans and we will submit you to our AI. Prices start from $349pa ($449pa for WordPress sites). You can do the A.I. solution tasks yourself or get us to do them for you.
If you don’t at least hold hands with the robot, it will take your job. If you’re feeling a bit technophobic, and all this makes you nervous – utlise the services of an infomediary like me.
I speak robot.
B(if)tek anyone?
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Edwin wrote his first (Harrier Jump Jet) text adventure computer program in 1982 during the Falklands War. He now builds websites using best practice, future-proof web development, Ad marketing & SEO. He at Curtin Uni and OUA where in 2007 he was voted 5th best lecturer (out of 2,500) over all disciplines taught in Australia. He loves sharing what he knows with Australian businesses.
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